Tails of Triumph

Saving one animal will not change the world. but surely, for that one animal, the world will change forever.

Making a Difference: Our Impact

Spay Vouchers
Neuter Vouchers
Medical Assistance
Heartworm Treatment Assistance Payments

Voices of Gratitude

My dog went missing Wednesday of last week and was found Saturday. I just want to say thank you to The Martha Decker Memorial Fund for Animals. They could’ve skipped my post and instead they posted and helped try to locate him. I told them about my situation and they offered to pay 100 dollars towards my vet bill when I took him. The vet bill wasn’t the full 100 but the fact is is that they didn’t know me well but still stepped out of their way to help me and my husband’s dog. I wanted to at least put a good review on here to try to give what I have received. Thank you guys. Y’all are good people. We need more people in this world like yall. Me and my husband are very thankful.

Madisun O

Madisun O

Susan Clay has graciously helped me get more than one poor momma dog spayed. I had taken on more responsibility than I could financially handle and The Martha Decker Memorial Fund for Animals, hearing about my plight, offered my tired mommas the opportunity to never have to endure another pregnancy. I didn’t even know such a caring foundation existed. Thank you!

Judith C

Judith C

Thank you so very much for kindly offering to sponsor Rudy’s adoption fees as part of your No Seniors in Shelters program.

Adoptables of Cherokee Village

Adoptables of Cherokee Village

Local Animal Shelter

Transformed Lives

Dogs We've Assisted and Empowered