Heart Help

The Heart Help program of the Martha Decker Memorial Fund for Animals is a special project aimed at helping dogs with heartworm. Heartworm is a disease that can be fatal for dogs if left untreated. Our goal is to help provide necessary treatment to these dogs so that they can become adoptable and find loving homes.

By covering the costs of heartworm treatment, we help dogs who have received a commitment from a rescue organization.  These organizations then provide veterinary care, temporary foster, and transport for the dogs.  We work with organizations, not individuals, to ensure that the dogs receive proper care.

Heartworm is a disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. When a mosquito bites an infected dog, it picks up microfilariae, which are the immature form of heartworm. These microfilariae mature into adult worms in the heart and lungs of the dog, causing damage to these organs.

Symptoms of heartworm include coughing, difficulty breathing, and fatigue. However, some dogs may not show any symptoms until the disease has progressed to a severe stage. This is why it is important for dogs to be tested regularly for heartworm.

Treatment for heartworm can be costly, but it is necessary to save the lives of these dogs. The treatment involves injections that kill the adult worms in the heart and lungs. During treatment, the dog must be kept calm and rested to reduce the risk of complications.

By providing heartworm treatment to adoptable dogs, we are giving them a second chance at life. These dogs deserve to have the opportunity to be loved and cared for in a forever home. Your contributions to the Heart Help program can make a difference in the lives of these dogs.

Together, we can help more dogs receive the necessary treatment to become adoptable and find loving homes. Thank you for your support of the Martha Decker Memorial Fund for Animals and our Heart Help program.

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