27 May

Laddie Boy’s Heartfelt Story

Laddie Boy, a beautiful guy when picked up by Animal Control, needed vetting before he could go to a rescue in the North East. During that vetting process, it was discovered Laddie had Heartworms.

Thanks to a very caring couple who fostered him during treatment, Laddie recovered and was able to be adopted. The Martha Decker Fund’s project, Heart Help, was able to assist in funding Laddie’s Heartworm treatment. 

Laddie’s adopter wrote the following

“I think it’s time for me to tell you we immediately renamed him Ziggy! He learned his new name within a day. He listens so well and has brought us so much joy. He is healthy and loves his life. We take him hiking, running, and to the park several times a week.”

Because of donations from our followers, we’re able to help dogs like “Laddie Boy” go on to loving, caring homes, free from killing Heartworms.